Brazilian Sex Robot


The Brazilian government has opened up a budget consisting of a whopping 500000000 real (about 8 pesos) for the research and development of a female cyborg sex-companion robot. The robot is meant for commercial comsumption and aimed at the ever-growing Brazilian middleclass and it's single males between 21-55 years old. Brazilian culture and Brazilians themselves are paternalistic in nature and notorious for not particularly treating women as their Western counterparts would.
« It's like, you know... big butt. You know, big butts here, big butts, there , you know. When two sticks walk, just, like, the... the... (pauzes) the bûm-bûm, (laughs). Say how ? How you say ? Oh yes, legs. When two legs walk, it's just the... bûm-bûm, (laughs) big butt goes left, big butt goes right, you know, the bûm-bûm. It shake (laughs). That i want. I no want, talk, you know, no talk. Just shake, sticks, and bûm-bûm. (laughs) not sticks, legs i mean (laughs). Women stay in kitchen and have big butt, no talk. » :Fredson Piralta, a 39 year old fishermen in Belèm in the north-east of the country.
It's men like Piralta whom commercial retailers will be targeting once the unnamed sex-contraption hits the Brazilian market. Researchers claim production can start as soon as 2017 and hit the markets that same year and take young to middle aged men by storm. Here's what Professor Vilma Pirapora, at the head of the research, had to say about her passion project;
« The cyborg will have it's own circulatory system, it's own central nervous system, we've implemented sphincter muscle transplants from giraffe and elephant cadavers to enhance and maximise contraction, pressure, and pleasure, cilicone breasts starting from size double D, cilicone butt transplants, i don't think i need to explain that one ( laughs) and orang-oetan vagina transplants for the premium model and pork (translation: pig)-vagina transplants for the budget model. The robot will be programmed by default to be mute, budget or premium model.
You see, we've practically created the perfect woman. I'll tell you right now, by 2018 Brazil will have the highest divorce rate in the world along with the highest single female rate in the world. And who knows in time, Brazilian women may become an addition on the endangered species list (laughs) They are being replaced (laughs) I'll be repla...(stops laughing). » by MICHAELEEN DOUCLEFF for NPR news.
(editorial note : Story may not have happened)

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