What's your the happiest memory of your life ?


What's your the happiest memory of your life ?

What's the one defining moment that stands out from all the other moments throughout your existance that was just perfect ?

What's the most geniune and honest experience that by even just thinking about it you get overwhelmed by pure joy ?

I'll tell you mine.

When i was eight years old, me and my brother woke up one saturday morning to eat some breakfast and get ready for the day. Our then fosterparents were acting weird since they were smiling and acting all nice to us. They also said they had a surprise for us. Now we definetly knew something was up.

They led us to the kitchendoor and as soon as they opened, our dad was standing there with a great big smile and open arms. The joy i felt then was unlike anything else i felt before or since. We spent the entire day together, he bought me a Gameboy and my brother a Super Nintendo (SNES) and showed us youngsters how an OG pulls off fatality after fatality in Mortal Kombat 3. Respect your elders, bro.

Afterwards he told us he loved us and would do anything for us then we hugged and he left after what was arguably a perfect day. Little did i know, he would die 4 months later and that would be the last time we'd ever see him again. Maybe it's really nostalgia and hindsight which elevates this day as the finest in my life since at the time none of us knew he would soon be gone. Doesn't matter, I guess.
My dad was some hotshot engineer that travelled alot and exclusively worked abroad so he was rarely around and i never got to know him much. But whenever he did show up it was always a party, he put himself second and us his kids first, he wouldn't drink, wouldn't get angry, wouldn't talk about work or about the nasty divorce between him and my mom. It was always about us.
So yes, the last time i would ever see my dad alive, for me, counts as the number one p4p happiest day of my life.

So I told my story... what's yours?

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