Psilocybin Mushrooms
RT @GriffinGlasshse: Eight things you didn't know about magic mushrooms - Telegraph
— Wholecelium (@wholecelium) September 1, 2015
Psilocybin is a naturally occurring psychedelic compound produced by several hundreds of species of mushrooms, known as psilocybin mushrooms or better known in popular culture as Magic Mushrooms or "Shrooms".The most widest available are members of the genus Psilocybin Cubensis.

Once ingested, psilocybin is metabolized to psilocin, which then latches on to serotonin receptors in the brain. The mind-altering effects of psilocybin typically last from two to six hours.
A single mushroom contains anywhere from 0.2 to 0.4 percent psilocybin.
Although certain cultures have known the hallucinogenic properties of some mushrooms for centuries, psilocybin was first isolated in 1958 by Dr. Albert Hofmann, who also isolated mescaline in Peyote and discovered lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD).
The mushroom is a fungus, not a plant. This means that it grows from a spore, usually in the dirt or on decaying plant material.

People tripping on mushrooms might see things in different colors or see patterns. Existing colors, sounds, tastes and textures may be distorted, while feelings and emotions intensify. It can feel like time has sped up, slowed down or stopped completely. There can be a changed perception of one's place in the universe and a feeling of communing with a higher power.

As with LSD, what happens on a mushroom trip varies by person, dosage and the type of mushroom eaten, as some are more powerful than others. "Set and setting," or the emotional state of the user and the type of environment he or she is in, play a big part in whether the trip is positive. Users who are in a poor mental state or a highly structured environment are more likely to have a bad trip, which is when you feel paranoid, anxious, nervous or even terrified instead of euphoric.
Magic mushrooms don't actually have to be eaten to feel their effects. They can be brewed into a mushroom tea by grinding them, steeping them in hot water and straining the resulting liquid. Proponents of this method claim that this has no impact on the intensity of the trip. Since alcohol and magic mushrooms are often used together, sometimes the mushrooms are soaked in rum or tequila and the liquid used in mixed drinks or simply drunk. People who have tripped on mushroom tea or extract say that they begin to feel the effects quicker than if they simply ate the mushroom. Finally, sometimes the dried mushrooms are ground and packed into gelatin capsules to create mushroom pills. This way, the taste and texture are avoided completely.

Psilocybin is a Schedule I drug under an amendment to the Controlled Substances Act called the Psychotropic Substances Act.
Since psilocybin is a psychotropic substance in magic mushrooms, this is usually interpreted to mean that the mushrooms themselves are illegal. However, since mushroom spores don't contain psilocybin, some have pointed to this as an ambiguity in the federal law.
Psilocybin, like like many other drugs, can be detected with a hair follicle drug test for up to 90 days.
I used to have crushing anxiety attacks that were so bad i missed two years of high school because i couldn’t even go outside. In my early twenties i was homeless for awhile and i’d get heavy mood swings where i would go from depressed one moment to very agressive the next with no provocation. Life was hell and i was a mess. Couldn’t hold down a job, no girlfriend, no friends…etc
Last year i grew some mushrooms and all of that changed… quite instantly. Just imagine living your whole life in black and white and after taking some mushrooms you starting living in technicolor.
Nowadays, i never ever get depressed, no anxiety, no mood swings… nothing. I can behave like a normal person for the first time since i was a kid and i can tell you its the best thing that ever happened to me.
I still take mushrooms every week or so in very low doses. Couldn’t imagine life without them. I moved to southern Spain, found a great job here, have been meeting amazing people left and right. I can safely say mushrooms changed my life forever and i’m glad i never resorted to prescription medication, alcohol or hard drugs to deal with my problems.
If you really interested in taking shrooms to treat your social anxiety, i suggest growing them yourself first (as far as that is possible in the states) or search for them if they grow naturally in your area and don’t buy them on the streets since you have no clue what they’ve been laced with or how fresh/potent they are.
Also, start with a very low dose for your first time. Mushrooms are very powerful and must be respected.
Conclusion: if you interested in taking mushrooms… for whatever reason. DO IT! I highly highly recommend doing them.
If you want to take them for your social anxiety… take a very low dose. I’ve never found hard tripping to be very effective for battling depression or anxiety and in fact high dose tripping could make it worse. Save the heavier doses for when you’re a more expierenced tripper and your brain can handle it.
The rest of your life starts the first time you take mushrooms.I promise you this.

Starting out with low doses and increasing it over time worked wonders for me but… you need to decide for yourself what works for you since we all react very differently to psilocybin. I’d suggest through trial and error, find out how to make psilocybin work for you, your body and your mind. There’s really no definitive answer for what the right dose is.
What changed was the emptyness went away after taking mushrooms. No matter if something bad or good happened to me, i felt nothing. People would always tell i never smiled. After certain experiences early on in life, i just blocked myself from feeling anything as a defense mechanism to pain so i was always depressed no matter what.
Mushrooms, so far in my life, have been the only thing powerful enough to break open those defenses. I started feeling again. My rigid patterns of thinking that life sucks, everyone is against me and i have nothing to live for dissolved instantly as soon as i tripped for the first time. Like i literally woke up after hibernating for years… the hibernation being depression. It hard to explain,
It’s a cliche, but you really need to try it to understand.
As for how i obtained the mushrooms… i ordered a grow kit (mushroom spores aren’t illegal anywhere, normally) from Holland and grew them myself. Within two weeks the first flush grew and i had 50 grams of mushrooms which more than enough for one person.
I’m going say this again, it’s the best thing that ever happened to me. If it worked for me, i guarantee you it will work for you or anyone else.